Busy life!

So I do have to start by saying sorry for the lack of updates! I’ve been so busy , I just didn’t have ti time to update my blog!. But if you take the time and go visit my youtube page,  or simply just click on a image below and it will take you to your destination :D.   Here are a couple of images to tantalize your taste buds. so click away and enjoy!!!!



Coming from an Italian household, sausage was always on the menu! So I had to get cracking and figure how I can make sausages for my family that don’t taste like the store bought *FAUX MEATS* that are out there. Not that they’re aren’t good, but when you come from a family that made homemade sausages, those really don’t compare! So I had to roll up my sleeves and create something that I could make that would satisfy my family, especially my husband. You know the saying…If Mikey likes it!!!

Here is one I make that everyone really enjoys, and I didn’t put much heat in it so my grandchildren could enjoy them too. I always say, just add some heat later if you want them nice and hot, or extra spicy. Here is the link where you can follow step by step.


These sausages go great like a hotdog in a bun or just cut them up and throw them in a pan, cooked in a little red wine. They were simply delicious!

Thank you and enjoy everyone buon appetito!!


Seitan roll …..vegan cold cut deli meat for sandwiches

If you have been out shopping for some vegan deli meats you will notice how expensive they really are. When you’re making lunches for a family it can really take a bite out of your pocket. They range from $5.00 and up depending on the brand, so I have here a recipe that will cost you pennies to make. . .I really mean pennies! This is a small batch but you can double up and have enough for the week. You can even freeze some so you have it ready-made. Sometimes I cut slices I need and wrap it up already sliced, it sure makes life easier.

This is a new recipe for me that I created, always playing around with ingredients I find or have at home. For one of the ingredients I took some dried shiitake mushrooms I have and milled it into a powder; this adds a nice earthy flavor to the deli meat. If you can’t find the dry shiitake, you can mill any dry mushroom you can find at your local store. If you can’t find it there, try an asian grocery store. . .you will find them there for sure!

I try not to overpower the deli meat with too many strong flavors, so I can also highlight the added veggies that go into the sandwich so everything can harmonize together. With that said, here is the link to one of my deli meats. Enjoy!

Drumsticks for dinner??

Seitan can be added to many dishes in virtually every cuisine, from Italian, Greek, all the way to Vietnamese. The real one reason why seitan is so popular is because of it’s texture, especially when compared to other alternatives vegan proteins, such as tofu or tempeh, which don’t really have that “meaty” texture.

Nutritionally, seitan is a powerhouse. In both quantity and quality, the protein in seitan is similar to that in beef. Sirloin steak and seitan both supply approximately 16 grams of protein per 100-gram (3.5 once) serving, or about 25 percent of the U.S. Reference Daily Intake. This is twice as much as an equal amount of tofu and 40% more than is supplied by two medium eggs. And while the 3.5-ounce sirloin comes with 11.5 grams of saturated fat, 58 milligrams of cholesterol, and nearly 300 calories, seitan contains no saturated fat or cholesterol, and only 120 calories per 3.5-ounce serving.

So to day I will show you how to prepare and to make some fun foods for the family. Spicy and crunchy, yet so tender inside . When making these tiny chiKON drumsticks for children remove the heat  ( chili powder ) from this recipe!!  This is not only delicious, but also a fun finger food, that children will love. So here is the Link to the drumstick recipe  enjoy!!