RAW VEGAN Blueberry and Apple Pie!!

The ultimate food porn! I can tell you for sure, this pie has always been a big hit in our family, but the best part about it s it’s healthy!  You can actually enjoy a nice big piece and not feel so guilty. So here is the link to this wonderful pie recipe, enjoy!

Lambsquarters AKA wild spinach!!

Look at what we found! Took me awhile to finally find it but I did 😀 I am so excited!!! Here is some info you might just want to know :).

The leaves are used as a wild spinach substitute, but it has way more nutrients!!! I will list the value under this post!! You can throw some in salads, make a stir fry, or put some in soups, casseroles. Lambsquarters is also known as the Prince of greens!!

Nutrition (per half cup)

Lambsquarters seeds

Protein 19.6 grams
Fat 4.2 grams
Carbs 57.7 grams
Fiber 27.1 grams
Calcium 1036 mg
Potassium 1687 mg
Niacin 3800 ug
Iron 64 mg

Lambsquarters Shoots
Protein 3.5 g
Carbs 5.5 g
Calcium 324 mg
Potassium 684 mg
Beta Carotene 3800 ug
Niacin 1000 ug
Iron 1.5 mg

Health Benefits
You can also use all parts as a poultice for swelling, rheumatism and arthritis
You can chew raw for toothaches
Capsules filled with Lambsquarter dried powder, make a potent vitamin

Lambsquarter is the second highest in nutrition of all wild foods. Amaranth will take place for #1
The gritty feel is pollen…rinse well
Lambsquarter can absorb nitrate from contaminated soil so be careful where you harvest this plant
and watch out it has a poisonous look-a-like (Nettleleaf goosefoot) but it’s rank odor reveals its identity.
Lambsquarter is a relative of the spinach. Avoid too much raw consumption of plants this plant it has a heavy oxalic acid content. So best if you Cook it for it will destroy some of the oxalic acid. So if you are using some for salad and smoothies use lemon juice to neutralize the oxalic acid and this will help prevent kidney stones.

So enjoy guys keep an eye out for some delicious lambsquarters!

VEGAN Dragon bowl and dragon sauce! ( Semi raw dish )

I am excited to share this one recipe with you all!! If anyone knows what a dragon bowl is, you will be happy to know and see how fast it really is to put this one together and it’s so so good. This on recipe isn’t fully RAW, but you can if you just leave out the rice, and just load it with extra veggies!! To make this dish raw you can use jicama or cauliflower rice to replace the brown rice. So enjoy and let me know how you like it by leave me a comment. You can find the recipe here at this link


Fall is just around the corner, and besides all those beautiful fall colours and beautiful fall veggies, it’s also time to start the cheeze again! I start them only in the fall , and then stop in the late spring due to where I keep all the cheezes to age. So for now unfortunately I make these great cheeze only in the cooler climate!

Took me many years but I have managed to create some great raw aged cheeze! So as soon I have some ready I will be letting you all know.


I also supplied a link below where you can see more cheeze I make….so check out my facebook page “health nuts cheeze” for more information.